Disclaimer & Confirmation

By clicking on “I agree” below, the user acknowledges and accepts the following:

  • this website does not constitute advertisement, personal communication, solicitation, invitation or inducement of any sort whatsoever from Lexcorp Partners (the “Firm”) or its lawyers to solicit any work or services;
  • this website (and, the information contained herein) is not intended to create, and access to it does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship;
  • the user wishes to gain more information about the Firm for his/her own information and use;
  • the information about the Firm is provided to the user only on his/her specific request;
  • the Firm assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of any information provided herein;
  • the user is not prohibited or restricted in any manner from accessing the information or contents of this website under applicable laws or regulations of the jurisdictions from where such user is accessing the website; and
  • the Firm may collect the following personal data when you visit this website: (a) personal data provided when you complete forms available on this website, (b) personal data you provide when you contact the firm; (c) personal data relating to your application for an internship or a lawyer position at the Firm; and (d) details of visits to this website, including the volume of traffic received, logs and the resources which have been accessed.

The Firm cannot undertake a representation until our internal conflict check process has been completed. Accordingly, we advise you not to use any of the email addresses contained in this website to send us any confidential information until you speak with one of our lawyers and receive our specific authorization to send such confidential information to the firm.